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SWMS Edit Value Pyramid, Redux

Here’s a retake of a piece we published earlier this year. What exactly do readers want and need? Most PR pros see the world in terms of companies, technologies, stories and beats. There’s another way to look at things, and it might shake loose new opportunity.

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SWMS Notebook: Pitching on Pandemic, Social Unrest

No airplanes? No problem! We’ve moved our coverage-challenge brainstorming fully online, and we’ve learned (and re-learned) many a lesson, in prepping for the sessions and in conversation. Here’s a Q&A summarizing problems and solutions relating to pandemic responses and social unrest — and some general pitching do’s and don’ts.

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Keith Shaw: 5 Times I Needed Help From PR

Most journalists like to say that they don’t need help from a PR professional, but in my career I’ve found their assistance valuable in specific situations beyond general news requests. If you’re looking to be proactive and find areas where you can assist a journalist, these areas can be the start of establishing a relationship for future pitches and client outreach.

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Keith Shaw: How to Duck the Roundup and Build Higher SOV

Reporters and editors love roundups, because it lets them quickly provide readers with lists of different companies providing similar offerings around a single topic, especially when that topic is timely (witness all the Covid-19 roundups lately). But PR agencies tend to dislike them, because they don’t get as much credit for a roundup placement…

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Amanda Orr: Edit Themes for Pitching the Recovery

[PR pro Amanda Orr writes:] Like much of the country, communications teams both in-house and at PR firms have been in a holding pattern. As we look at the Johns Hopkins tracker on a daily basis, watching the numbers of infections and fatalities climb, we knew (at least I hope most of us knew) that this wasn’t the time to send emails or make cold calls…

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David Strom: Covid Do’s & Don’ts

David Strom says: “My inbox is overflowing with a virus: all Covid, all the time, with pitches and experts offered from all walks of life. It isn’t just the infosec vendors, either: I’ve gotten pitches from genealogy vendors, and how sports reporters are coping now that there are no professional games being played.”

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Alex Shapiro: Editorial ‘Types’

Writes PR pro Alex: “Hanging out with reporters is my favorite part of the week and, having done it for a while, I’ve noticed some personality types that seem to recur. Here’s a pair of some of the most colorful media personalities I’ve encountered, and tips for getting on their good side.”

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Gen AI: The Big Fizzle?

Goldman Sachs took 32 pages to say pretty much that. The media business may turn out to be an outlier, an industry perfectly suited to synthetic, multilingual words, sounds and images at scale. As for everyone else, well, the global consultancies will learn the truth first because they have rushed to monetize Gen AI — they aren’t yet succeeding.


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