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Pitch Advice from 6 at Axios

A recent edition of the new Axios Communicators newsletter offered pitch advice from five Axios reporters and a co-founder. Newsletter author Eleanor Hawkins polled her colleagues on what PR folks need to be told.

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On Ukraine

On Feb. 28 we received an inquiry from a subscriber (vendor, not agency) asking whether journalists were bristling at being pitched in light of the crisis in Ukraine. The subscriber said “proactive pitching” had been paused. Here was our response…

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Meet The Wikipedia Whisperer, David King

SWMS contributor Bob Scheier writes: A company’s Wikipedia entry is often one of the first to come up in response to a Web search, and might get more exposure than its Twitter, Facebook or other social media account.

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Bob Scheier: ‘Hey Vendors! Put a Media Contact on Your Web Site!’

I’m finding that a surprising number of vendors have removed or hidden the “media contact” links on their sites. They’ve been replaced by lead-snagging “bots” asking if I’d like a demo or what “digital transformation” challenges I’m facing, and generic “Contact Us” pages that may or may not lead to someone who can respond to a media request.

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AI Will Write Your Pitches — Soon

Tired of writing pitches and press releases? AI writes copy these days. This month we used to promote the fictitious Wazoolie Pro, “a hypnotizer that convinces prospects to buy products and services they don’t need.”

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Pitch Tip: Three Kinds of Value

Relationships are the key to PR success. How many times have you heard that? In our experience, they are “a” factor but two others stand just as important. Let’s explore them.

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Amanda Orr: It’s Time for PR Pros to Home In on Targeting

[SWMS contributor Amanda Orr writes:] There’s a quiet rumbling in the world of PR consultants and tech publicists: media relations is not what it used to be. The change didn’t happen overnight. Perhaps it’s because I’m writing this from my temporary home in Amman, Jordan, surrounded by Roman ruins, but I can’t help but imagine an archaeologist one day in the far off future, excavating a site in San Francisco…

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Analysis: Protocol’s ‘Live Journalism’

PR pros can learn a lot about Protocol Enterprise as a brand — and about the art of interviewing — by watching the Mar. 9 Protocol Live web event, in which senior Protocol reporters Tom Krazit and Joe Williams interview executives from Google and industrial IoT startup Webee.

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Gen AI: The Big Fizzle?

Goldman Sachs took 32 pages to say pretty much that. The media business may turn out to be an outlier, an industry perfectly suited to synthetic, multilingual words, sounds and images at scale. As for everyone else, well, the global consultancies will learn the truth first because they have rushed to monetize Gen AI — they aren’t yet succeeding.


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