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>> Influencers & Profiles

Deep-Dive: Tim Keary, VentureBeat

After becoming a VentureBeat freelancer last month, Tim Keary wrote 41 stories in 42 days. With rare exception, the articles focused either on a product announcement or a funding round. Dozens of companies saw their news covered thoroughly — in a context useful to buyers.

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Q&A: Bruce Rogers, Forbes senior contributor

A former VP and chief insights officer at Forbes, Bruce Rogers continues to serve his alma mater as a senior contributor. He says he receives ten pitches a day. Before you add the 11th, give yourself an advantage and enjoy this Q&A…

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Q&A: Steve Lohr, NYT

If you’re younger than 43 years old, Steve Lohr was reporting for the New York Times before you were born. Imagine all the stories he has written… the interviews he has conducted… and all the pitches he has seen.

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Deep-Dive: Jennifer Liu, CNBC Make It

CNBC Make It reporter Jennifer Liu isn’t just a reporter covering the workplace, hiring trends and professional success. That may be her job, but she’s also proficient in WordPress, Drupal, Google Analytics, SEO and Adobe Creative Suite.

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Deep-Dive: Melissa Korn, WSJ

All too often, PR pros assume that Tier 1 reporters behave like all reporters — they patrol a beat, decide on stories, report them and write them. It’s rarely that linear…

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Gen AI: The Big Fizzle?

Goldman Sachs took 32 pages to say pretty much that. The media business may turn out to be an outlier, an industry perfectly suited to synthetic, multilingual words, sounds and images at scale. As for everyone else, well, the global consultancies will learn the truth first because they have rushed to monetize Gen AI — they aren’t yet succeeding.


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