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>> contributed content

Be an ‘Expert’ in the WSJ

The Wall Street Journal is about to ramp up The Experts, the contributed content operation affiliated with Journal Report. WSJ is open to vetting new “panelists” (contributors) in each of six areas: energy, health, leadership, retirement, small business and wealth management.

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Our CEO Profile Cheat Sheet

— Updated Mar. 2, 2021 — Here is our latest and best list of titles and authors known to produce CEO profiles. The possibilities on one hand have shrunk considerably. On the other, literally dozens of publications will consider CEO pitches — but the context has to be there.

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Pitch Advice from Mo Marshall — Analyzed

Nothing brings PR anxiety like crickets, especially when you pitch contributed content and include the submission. Was the pitch bad? Was the piece bad, or both? Or neither! Or maybe “they just didn’t see it, so I’ll ‘float it to the top of their in-box’ in a day or two.”

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Meet Wendy Almeida, community editor, Third Door Media

Placing contributed content ideally comes without strings — “pitch it, place it, forget it” — but that’s not how it works at Third Door Media, publishers of Search Engine Land, Marketing Land and MarTech Today. Third Door is in the community business. Community editor Wendy Almeida wants to help but you must help her too.

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Deconstructed: A Contributed Piece that Drew a Big Audience

What makes for a smart approach to contributed content? Answer: something that you know has worked. A Sept. 25 Enterprisers Project piece called “Beware the dark side of agile project management” drew more page views than anything else TEP published that month. Let’s deconstruct why.

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When Submitting a Post to G2, Know Your SEO

G2’s contributed content guidelines are refreshingly explicit and perhaps a bit demanding — you really need to know your SEO. Still, it’s worth it: submitting to G2 may land you a surprisingly effective hit while revealing how trade editors see their jobs these days.

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The Enterprisers Project Seeks Contributed Content

The Enterprisers Project, described by owner Red Hat as “a community of CIOs discussing the future of business and IT,” may represent a contributed content opportunity for you. Content director Laurie McLaughlin (yes, formerly of IDG and UBM) explains why.

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Contributed Content 2019: Spotting the Beacon in the Dark

Which publications still accept one-off contributions? Of the 114 titles in our contributed content Google Doc, roughly 100 still accept standalone articles. Unfortunately, the most attractive venues — Forbes, TechCrunch and WSJ to name three — want ongoing commitments. Inc. and Entrepreneur already have hundreds of contributors and don’t hunger for more.

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Gen AI: The Big Fizzle?

Goldman Sachs took 32 pages to say pretty much that. The media business may turn out to be an outlier, an industry perfectly suited to synthetic, multilingual words, sounds and images at scale. As for everyone else, well, the global consultancies will learn the truth first because they have rushed to monetize Gen AI — they aren’t yet succeeding.


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