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>> VentureBeat

Dossier: Ken Yeung, VentureBeat

Ken Yeung has returned to VentureBeat to cover AI as a contributing writer and editor. Tech PR veterans may remember Ken as a VB staff writer in 2015 and 2016. Now he is back. Knowing all about the fast-paced culture VB founder Matt Marshall has built.

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Paid Content Rates for VentureBeat

VentureBeat strategic sales director stepped up with lots of useful detail on VB’s paid content programs. “We have a range of content offerings — featured video interviews, branded content and content with amplification,” Todd wrote in an email.

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SWMS Q&A: Victor Dey, Tech Editor, VentureBeat

Victor Dey is a data scientist who discovered tech journalism. Often it’s the other way around. In any case, VentureBeat gets the win: Victor writes between 20 and 30 stories a month about AI, data science and cybersecurity — three of the most important beats in B2B — and he does it with authority.

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Deep-Dive: Tim Keary, VentureBeat

After becoming a VentureBeat freelancer last month, Tim Keary wrote 41 stories in 42 days. With rare exception, the articles focused either on a product announcement or a funding round. Dozens of companies saw their news covered thoroughly — in a context useful to buyers.

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Deep-Dive: Kyle Alspach, VentureBeat

VentureBeat staff writer Kyle Alspach wrote 15 articles last week. Yes, fifteen, and they averaged a bit more than 900 words each. So if you’ve have a hard time reaching Kyle with your cybersecurity pitch, that could be why.

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Odds & Ends

VentureBeat has launched Data DecisionMakers, a “community” that wants your contributed content…

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Gen AI: The Big Fizzle?

Goldman Sachs took 32 pages to say pretty much that. The media business may turn out to be an outlier, an industry perfectly suited to synthetic, multilingual words, sounds and images at scale. As for everyone else, well, the global consultancies will learn the truth first because they have rushed to monetize Gen AI — they aren’t yet succeeding.


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