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>> G2

G2 and the Rise of Tech Platforms

B2B platforms never got a lot of love from tech PR. Agencies don’t track them because they don’t revolve around “targets.” Clients tend to discount them because their content carries little prestige. Meanwhile, B2B readers are voting with their feet.

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When Submitting a Post to G2, Know Your SEO

G2’s contributed content guidelines are refreshingly explicit and perhaps a bit demanding — you really need to know your SEO. Still, it’s worth it: submitting to G2 may land you a surprisingly effective hit while revealing how trade editors see their jobs these days.

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Gen AI: The Big Fizzle?

Goldman Sachs took 32 pages to say pretty much that. The media business may turn out to be an outlier, an industry perfectly suited to synthetic, multilingual words, sounds and images at scale. As for everyone else, well, the global consultancies will learn the truth first because they have rushed to monetize Gen AI — they aren’t yet succeeding.


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