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>> Entrepreneur

Cheat Sheet: Entrepreneur Staff Editors

Entrepreneur Magazine doesn’t make it easy for PR pros. It publishes no masthead, or even an “About Us” page. Determine who’s on staff and who’s a contributor is quite the challenge. This cheat sheet is as close as one can come — featuring eight names.

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Entrepreneur Lays Off Four

Entrepreneur this week laid off four veteran editors in what an insider says is a pivot away from digital content and toward more profitable products and services. 

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Sage Advice from Nine Contributed Content Guidelines

You send us lots of rejected contributed content, asking what went wrong. Sometimes we can spot a path forward, but it’s heartbreaking to hear that “the client wants it written this way” or “this has already been approved.” That’s why this week we studied nine sets of contributed content guidelines from top edit targets and packaged what we think is their most valuable advice.

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Gen AI: The Big Fizzle?

Goldman Sachs took 32 pages to say pretty much that. The media business may turn out to be an outlier, an industry perfectly suited to synthetic, multilingual words, sounds and images at scale. As for everyone else, well, the global consultancies will learn the truth first because they have rushed to monetize Gen AI — they aren’t yet succeeding.


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